The Oberg Apprenticeship Training Program is certified by the US Department of Labor and the Veterans Administration. Created in the 1950s as an in-house solution to build a stream of highly-skilled workers needed to grow the company, Oberg formally established its state registered Apprentice Training Program in 1971. It became the primary resource for expanding the company’s workforce, graduating nearly 500 employees since then.
The current earn-while-you-learn program integrates hands-on training by industry mentors and accredited instructors, along with merit pay, benefits and bonus incentives, to graduate apprentices with industry-recognized credentials and Journeyworker certifications. Oberg’s award-winning apprenticeship program begins with manufacturing foundations and extends through advanced training. Focusing on four main categories, students can choose their specialization in CNC machining, precision grinding, EDM wirecut, or stamping press operation.
Apprentices are actual full-time Oberg employees and are responsible for attending the required classes, satisfying all on-the-job training goals and putting forth every effort to learn the skills needed for their job. Apprentices receive competitive starting wages and valuable benefits, including healthcare and retirement plans, and have the opportunity to receive pay increases every six months by making satisfactory progress working at their job. They can also make premium pay with overtime. Oberg provides the materials, knowledge, training, facilities, and equipment to help you be successful and, best of all, you can graduate with no student debt.
Hundreds of PA-based Oberg employees have graduated through the apprenticeship program to pursue high-paying opportunities in all areas of the organization.
How to Get Started:
- Apply using our online application
- Those who meet the criteria will be offered full-time employment as an Oberg Apprentice.